This story echoes from the past... a legacy left for our imagination to explore.Yes... we... the people of today.It all happened around the year 100 after the birth of the man known as the "savior". The circumstances brought three extraordinary humans to the most peculiar encounter. The importance and magnitude of this encounter was immediately perceived by them. And as the curtains of the Mysteries started to unveil, they could understand the error that was about to be deliberately perpetrated in human history. That opportunity could not be missed... and it was not missed at all. They somehow saved the day.
Capa comum: 208 páginas
Editora: Independently Published (7 de fevereiro de 2019)
Idioma: Inglês
ISBN-10: 1795339462
ISBN-13: 978-1795339469
Dimensões do produto: 13,3 x 1,3 x 20,3 cm
Peso de envio: 299 g
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